Maps are made by telling stories, wandering. Maps are not made without courage, whatsoever.


Visual log: New York under the eyes of Hopper.

A mega city like NY has infinite points of view: one of the all-time favorites is vertical. Contemplating the buildings, towers and skyscrapers like an ant gives a perspective of monumentality.

But it is also possible to rescue beauty from the ground level. Observing passers-by has always seemed very entertaining to me, and in NY it is even more so: thousands, or millions, of such varied personalities. Conversations like a sort of horizontal, liquid Tower of Babel.

Edward Hopper managed to capture, like no one else, that fabulous NY floor level: storefronts, counters, rear windows, lost among thousands of buildings. Also, in Hopper's NY it's always autumn, and that light, or rather, the color of light passing through the thin autumn air, is always there.

We spent a few days in NY and I decided to observe, this time, through Hopper's eyes. A sordid and stinky NY, like never before, but every day and fabulous as in his works. That almost stereoscopic texture confirms how alive his eye remains.

Said J. Estrella